Being a widow I have had my share of the good, the bad, and the *gasp!* ugly. Good people, bad people and ugly people. I often ponder, why in the hell are there bad and ugly people in this world? Why the fuck do we need them? And why doesn't the good out way the bad? I mean doesn't good always win?
After months of soul searching, I had an apostrophe ... lightning struck my brain ... and yea, it hurt. The reason why we have bad is to recognize good; ugly to recognize beauty. My second question is why I have to be right in the middle of it? I mean every day I have to deal with someone's pissy attitude, douch-baggy actions, or (my favorite) dirty looks. Its like really people, are we 4? Many times I think - or mumble quietly to my self, but not quietly enough that people in close proximity can't hear what I'm saying, "who pissed in your Cheeri-o's this morning". Usually I get a laugh, a "right?", or a dirty look when the person I said it about hears me. Will that make them have a better day? No, its just funny. And here is my rant on dirty looks: I'm honored you think so highly of me to stare at me, cuz, yea, I know I'm hot, and thank you for recognizing that fact, oh and WTF is wrong with your face? Its all wrinkly, squinty eyed & shit. Maybe you should get that checked out.
So how does one be the good ... and not the bad or the ugly? Kill them with kindness. Nothing pisses off an angry person more then when your niceness becomes exponenitally greater as their pissiness increases. SIDENOTE: I think Graph Jam has a graph about that. Its real pretty, a line graph, created by someone who probably had solitire taken of their work PC, and playing around in Excel is their only happy time now. Umm, yea, guilty. I work mostly in bar graphs & pie charts. Hey, its good practice for when I can actually use it in a professional environment. Yay, G33KS!
So what if there are certain people who really chap your ass and you'd rather drive nails up your nose then waste an ounce of niceness on them? You know the ones you have to see everyday, or run into all the time, or you cringe when you have to communicate with them (since face-to-fate is their only open line of communication now because you have blocked them from your phone, on facebook, twiter, and set up automatic replies to their emails with some random, smart-assy comments about being on Mars, or deep in negotiations with NASA over having mastered teleportation. I usually set up a filter to go right to spam (thank you gmail, for not allowing your users to block people. FB & twitter let me do it ... get with the times!) Well, I didn't have the answer so I asked the all knowing oracle ... Facebook! I have great peeps who give awesome advice. Some of the comments I received are blow it off, you rock, don't allow lower energies to invade the positive energy you have worked so hard to attain, be the better person, pretend it doesn't bother you, don't lower your standards. What great advice. Maybe I should follow it. I know! I know! I will rock by blowing it off using all my positive energy to not let it bother me while maintaining my high standards because I am the better person ... yea, didn't help ... I still want to smack the living shit out of them! Maybe I can recruit Clint Eastwood to get the bad and the ugly out my good??????
Yea, I didn't think so. Gotta do this one on your own, Nikki. *sigh* I have some more work to do.
Disclaimer: There may be gramer/spelling/things that don't make sense in this post ... Its late and I'm tired. Deal with it. :)
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