Sunday, October 2, 2011

Things I Learned This Weekend ...

I have been having the best time since I swore off romantic relationships, err I mean since my heart is currently closed for renovations. I go out with friends, I laugh, I don't cry, I started doing things again that make me happy, and I feel things are really starting to turn around for me. Damn it! that I didn't come to this realization earlier!!

Since I am one who never stops learning, and always looking for ways to better myself (and have fun), here is a list of the things I learned this weekend:

Friday morning:

1.) I am an AMAZING crêpe maker!
2.) I can fix things around the house
3.) I rock at stimulating conversations
4.) "my hair is very fine and it falls flat easily" is NOT code for: be scissor happy & completely ignore the picture I brought in for reference. SIDENOTE: I will miss you so, natural curls :'(

Friday Afternoon:

4.) The pink my manicurist picked out because she HATES! the pink I usually pick out not only dries faster because it requires less coats to actually look pink, its a wayy better pink for me. Thx, EA! <3 u!
5.) You sooo can drive home, weaving in and out of traffic because you have somewhere to be at 6:30 PM, people! move, bitch! get out the way!, down city streets, in rush hour traffic, and not mess up your manicure/pedicure

Friday Evening:

6.) The thing you are eating that's fried, tastes sweet, has no bones, with the consistency of a banana, which you carefully ate to avoid bones because you could have sworn it was a piece of chicken, is in fact a fried banana. The chicken is under the saffron rice, next to the peas, parallel to the asparagus, in the pot which I'm almost certain is the same temperature as the sun
7.) 24 hour, $2.50 coffee, with unlimited, free refills, an awesome outside patio (where smoking is permitted), in an old house turned art gallery, featuring awesome views of the skyline, that's only 5 minutes from your home, does exist! BONUS: They serve crêpes!! SIDENOTE: Pay no mind to the hookers walking by or the man mumbling obscenities to himself. It's in the heart of down town, what did you expect???   
8.) Time flies (Holy shit! Its after 1 AM!)

Saturday Morning:

9.) I still need to learn how to say antenna en español *sigh
10.) I am a whole lot of awesome
11.) I have awesome friends

Saturday Afternoon:

12.) I really should have taken a nap

Saturday Night:

13.) I fit quitewellakshully on a 748R
14.) I make a 748R look good!
15.) I come up with some great one-liners
16.) I am a whole lot of awesome
17.) I'm so awesome, I was invited to join a car club (still considering this)
18.) Must get new iTrip as the bad wires in my current model are disrupting the connection between my iPod and my car speakers. One word for ya, Apple: iFail!
19.) I can make guys stop and stare when I eat ice cream
20.) "you can zip-tie that shit down, yo"
21.) My car rocks!

Sunday Morning:

22.) I really should have gone to bed on Saturday night and not Sunday morning
23.) I am not a morning person
24.) My car rocks!
25.) My gramma likes riding in my car
26.) Her church friends like my car
27.) My car is perrrrrrdy
28.) I actually like going to church
29.) I am truly, 100% happy and content

Well, ladies and gentleman, it is a new week in a few hours, and I have a shit ton of stuff to accomplish & more fun to have! May your desire to learn be strong and the knowledge you find be plentiful.

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